Our church seeks to be the hands and feet of Jesus by serving those in need in our community.
You are invited to join us for Sabbath School every Saturday at 10:00am in-person at 9520 Seaview Ave, Brooklyn, New York, 11236 or you can use the info below to join us on zoom:
Meeting ID: 863 0517 9154
Passcode: 485238
To join by phone call:
The key focus of the Adventist Youth Ministries is the salvation of our youth through Jesus Christ. Our goal is to lead the youth to understand their individual worth while assisting in the discovery and development of their spiritual gifts and abilities. We encourage the youth to participate and lead out in youth meetings, church-wide youth days, recreational outings, community outreach projects, musical programs, and other events.
Children’s ministries develops the faith of children from birth through age 14...
The Pathfinder Club is a church-centered program which provides an outlet for the spirit of adventure and exploration that is found in every junior youth. This includes carefully tailored activities in outdoor living, nature exploration, crafts, hobbies, or vocations...
The Adventurer Club is a church-sponsored ministry for children ages 3-9.
The primary goal of the Personal Ministries Department is evangelism.
Women's Ministries seeks to foster spiritual growth and renewal among women.
9520 Seaview Ave Ste 2
Brooklyn, NY 11236
7:30pm: Prayer Meeting
9:45am: Sabbath School
11:20am: Worship Service
4:00pm: Adventist Youth Ministries
3:30pm: Adventurer Club
3:30pm: Pathfinder Clubs